How You Can Get Media Exposure For Your Brand

We are sharing our Fempreneur tips for amplifying your marketing efforts so that you can increase your profits and finally grow your business this year. You can follow along in the series here.

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In the first part of the series, we shared how you can plan ahead to ensure your marketing success as a female entrepreneur.

In the second part of the series, we discussed how you can build your email list with prospects to help ensure your marketing success.

In the third part of the series, we shared how you can feel confident using promotional tactics to market your products or services with integrity.

In the final part four of the series, we are going to tell you how you can get exposure for your brand using marketing tactics.

Part Four – Getting exposure for your brand

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Even if your business is online-based, getting exposure may require that you step outside of your comfort zone and start using other mediums such as radio interviews, guest blogging, authorship, speaking engagements and more to engage with your audience. You might also want to consider strategic joint ventures or advertising Facebook.

However, one way to have a larger impact with your online marketing efforts is to ramp up your exposure! Exposure means that more people start to get to know you as an expert female entrepreneur. You have seen it happen on TV when a new show is coming – teasers, sneak peeks and little bits of information come out about the show. Becoming known as an expert in your niche is a lot like that. A little sneak peak at a time will go far in pushing you toward expert status. It’s a fabulous way to make a big impact quickly. People listen to experts, sign up for their lists, and wait with bated breath for their next offering.

Here are some ways to start getting more exposure for your brand:

You can also get a copy of my PR Guide: Becoming Memorable for my personal PR tips!

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