How to Create Your Business Media Kit

Are you wondering how you can help the media and your customers recognize your value so that you can give yourself a competitive edge? Do you want to create a tool to raise awareness, explain your products or services and provide essential business information to prospective partners?

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If you are serious about showcasing how your business can create value for the brands that you work with or be ready for when the media comes calling for your opinion as a subject matter expert… then you need to create your media kit.

Your media kit will showcase your accomplishments, outline your reach, tell your brand story and highlight your past media mentions or speaking engagements. Think of it as your business brag book. Anyone reading your media kit will understand immediately what your specialty is (mine is public relations!), the demographics of who you serve, and how to contact you.

Hello, new business opportunities!

If you follow me on social media, you will know that I am an advocate for planning before you dive in! That’s why I created this media kit planner to walk you through each step of the process. The planner is meant to exercise that very intelligent female entrepreneur brain of yours, to be creative, to dig deep to uncover your unique qualifications, and to showcase it to the media and other brands you want to work with.

For example, you have an amazing product and you want to partner with another manufacturer to cross promote your brands. Before you sign on the dotted line, you want to know what they bring to the table and vice versa. How can you possibly know how many potential customers they can help you reach? You also want to know if they have media attention because that could snowball to your brand.

Years ago, the term “media kit” was reserved for magazines to publish their advertising rates along with the magazine’s stats, such as target demographics and number of subscribers, along with the following year’s editorial calendar.

Today, media kits are a must-have item for any successful business owner (that’s YOU!) wanting media exposure and to showcase their accomplishments to prospective clients and partners. All the elements of a media kit remain the same, the only difference is YOU are the focus instead of a magazine.

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For example, if you are an online influencer you might want to start working with brands to help promote their products. In this case, you will need a media kit to showcase your reach and influence. Wondering exactly what to include in your media kit to start getting brand deals!? Grab this planner.

It’s essential to start at the beginning to narrow down your focus, so you are creating a media kit that shows off the work you love to do. You and I both know how great you are, but how are you showing that to your audience? Do members of the media who need quotes or interviews with experts know about you or how to reach you?

If you shrugged your shoulders to either of these questions, then it is time to create your media kit. Stop hiding and brag about your accomplishments the right way!

To get started, you must gather all your information. Think back to some of those amazing accomplishments you have under your belt…

Organize everything that makes up your brand and begin thinking about what makes you unique. Having a media kit will already make you stand out, but having a well-organized, attention-grabbing media kit will help you rise to the top! How does that sound?

Not all media kits look the same and your media kit will be unique, especially if you follow the steps I’ve outlined in my planner.

The media kit planner will help you showcase your business to prospective brand partners, customers or media professionals. It’s designed to help you highlight your social media stats, media mentions and brand image. The planner is 75 pages with detailed exercises that you can take to create your unique media kit to send to brand partners, media professionals and clients. It’s ideal for female entrepreneurs that have a product or service to offer or online influencers that want to learn how to showcase their reach and value. You will receive a digital download after your purchase. Buy it online in the Empress Avenue shop.

Join the Public Relations Academy to take your creative ideas and put them into a systematic plan to help you deliver the content you need to succeed. You can also sign-up for our one-on-one coaching monthly strategy calls. Visit to take the FREE 5 Day Perfectly Planned Publicity Challenge. *Special Offer* Sign-up for Kajabi FREE for 28 days * 

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