(Mom Review) Golly Gee-pers! / Kids Table Manners Cards

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Golly Gee-pers was established in 2010 by a mother who set out to find a fun way to teach her children manners, without ruining meal time. After winning multiple awards, Golly Gee-pers eventually evolved into a green company devoted to developing products to help shape children in a positive away. Their products consist of one main goal: to teach children to understand the fundamentals of mutual respect and integrity. Through award winning games like Table Manners Cards, children are engaged through different activities while learning important characteristics teaching them manners, empathy and conflict resolution.

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As a parent there are so many pressures to raising a child. With social pressures and input from other parents around you, determining how to raise a well-mannered infant can be confusing and overwhelming. What’s a parent to do!? Some may agree that the key to raising a well-rounded child is to establish a solid foundation at home. Thankfully there are companies and like-minded organizations that are here to support the fundamentals, and help guide parents down a successful path. This is just one of the many reasons we love Golly Gee-pers and have included them in the 2015 Empress Avenue Holiday Gift Guide.

Products for your holiday wishlist:

DSC_0693_Golly Gee-pers_Empress Avenue_Pink Pearl PR_2Table Manners Cards

Life is hectic, and meal time is a time to spend with the family. Most families hope that this opportunity is an enjoyable time used to catch up on everyone’s day and bond. Not a time to be criticizing your children or nagging them over their manners. This is where the Table Manners Cards are the perfect tool to encourage proper table manners at the table. The game encourages children to compete for “thumbs up” cards rather than “thumbs down”, making for an interactive and fun dinner. It is a multi-award winning game and was chosen as the 2015 Kid’s Product of the year by Creative Child Magazine.

Table Manners Cards also make a wonderful stocking stuffer and won’t end up in the garbage or cluttering up a toy bin a week later!

  • MSRP $12.95 USD
  • Once introduced, kids LOVE this game.


Fairy Letter Gift Bags

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Fairy letter gift bags_Gollygee pers_empress avenueWe had to include this one on our wish list! What child wouldn’t want to receive a tiny little envelope gifted from a fairy or an elf? Inside is a letter just for your child. An interactive way for your children to decode a message, your child will soon realize that he or she is being complimented by a fairy or an elf who has noticed their good behaviour.

  • Price $3.00 USD
  • Each letter and envelope comes in a white bag sprinkled with fairy dust, and instructions tied with gold string


Head on over to the website to check out more interactive games for your children!

Company Websitehttp://www.gollygee-pers.com/

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Kids will LOVE the Table Manners mealtime game! They make learning and using good manners fun for the whole family. They will quickly prepare kids for that special sit down holiday meal. They can provide a useful and fun activity at the kid’s table. Table Manners Cards also make a wonderful stocking stuffer and won’t end up in the garbage or cluttering up a toy bin a week later.

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3 (1 vote)

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