Empress Avenue had to opportunity to connect with BC blogger Lani Sheldon, creator of SquamishBaby where she maintains a personal blog and a “one-stop shop” for activities, programs and events for young families in Squamish. Lani offers us an insight into her challenges with motherhood, and invites us to celebrate her supportive and family-oriented community.
1. Tell us about yourself and how you started blogging.- As a new mom with a Type-A personality, I wanted to have a place to organize my (desperately sleep-deprived) thoughts. With Squamish being such a richly family-oriented community, I wanted a “one-stop shop” where I could go to find all of the activities, program and events for new parents and young families. From drop-in breastfeeding support for you and your infant, to circus school for the energetic toddler, I needed it all laid out in front of me, and our Activities & Events Calendar was born. My raw & honest style of blogging started as an outlet while I struggled with perinatal and postpartum anxiety; and grew exponentially as I found real value in nurturing a community of support among local families. I never considered myself a ‘blogger’, until I was knee-deep within it.
2. What makes your blog absolutely fabulous?- It’s personal. Deeply raw & honest. Tearful & Joyful. It is a celebration of our community and how to foster connection between your family and those around you can see you through the darkest of nights.
3. What type of content fits with your targeted audience?- Honest writing about parenting that isn’t sugar-coated. From the endless cycles of sleep-deprivation, to a toddler whose sassy ways won’t quit. Our audience also loves locally-oriented articles about budding companies and products that can make their life just a little bit easier.
4. What does a day in your blog life look like?- Hah. I’m a typical busy mom of a toddler. Writing new content fits strictly between naptimes and after bedtime. Some days my computer doesn’t even turn on until 8 pm. Life comes first, blogging second.
5. What types of readers are in your blog ‘pink book’ and who are you looking to connect with?– I love connecting with companies that have developed unique products for families that combine a stylish, simple aesthetic and uncompromising functionality. Anything sleep-related is always a winner in my book.
6. Is running your own blog as glamorous as it sounds?- Glamour is not in my blog vocabulary. I am quite the contradication: while I write this very public blog, I am actually an intensely private person. A bloglife is what you make of it, and I choose to put limitations on it so that I can both enjoy my young family, and ensure I am posting quality content over quantity.
7. What celebrity do you look at for style inspiration?- I love the simplicity of Natalie Portman.
8. What are your favourite stores to shop at for the perfect wardrobe?- We have some amazing local stores right here in Squamish. One of my current favourites is Mountain Threads. She carries beautiful active-wear and lifestyle clothing, perfect for the outdoorsy woman wanting a stylish aesthetic. I have a pair of Prana leggings from Mountain Threads that I absolutely LIVE in. Another fabulous shop is Funkymonkey, carrying both new and consignment finds. My husband is great at selecting fabulous pre-loved garments for birthdays etc., I have some amazing pieces in my wardrobe thanks to him & his “Funky” shopping habits!
9. What is your favourite travel hot spot?- Squamish! We have so much to offer. I absolutely cannot live without my camera, and our white noise machine & Twilight Turtle to help the little one sleep! Other than that, we are very low maintenance.
10. Can you offer any advice for new bloggers or female entrepreneurs looking to promote their business?- Find your voice and be authentic. Readers are looking to connect with you on an individual level, just as they would should they meet you in a coffee shop. Don’t force it. If I don’t have anything to write, it can be days or weeks before I post. Whether you are a blogger or an entrepreneur with a social media site, build a connection with your audience through honest and authentic communications.
Interview: Talia Beckett and Sandra Depukat
Photos courtesy of B Life Photography. All rights reserved.