Unleashing Your 2024 Resolutions + $1000 Gift Card Contest

Many of us will plan to accomplish a whole list of things in 2024. My list is usually the typical – go to the gym, eat healthier, save money, and grow my business. But, this year is a little different, I’m planning to finally get some long-term personal goals checked off my list. 

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To kick off 2024, I’m giving away a $1000 gift certificate to the Public Relations Academy! Enter now!

As 2024 approaches, it’s that time of year when we reflect on the past and plan for the future.

I’ve learned how to use my time more strategically, focus on what matters, and ignore the rest! We all have the same amount of time each week, and it’s up to each of us to decide how to use it. This coming year, we’re inviting you to make a revolutionary change: let’s transform your relationship with time.

In a world that often seems to be moving at lightning speed, Marie Forleo’s Time Genius® movement is all about reclaiming control over how you’re spending those precious seconds, minutes, and hours each day. Imagine a life where you work less, make more, and finally experience the freedom you deserve. Intrigued? Join the Time Genius waitlist and embark on a journey that could redefine the way you approach time in 2024. Download your FREE E-Book from Marie Forleo, 3 Toxic Lies That Keep You Overwhelmed, Overstretched, and Underearning.

Why Time Matters?

Time is the ultimate currency, and learning to master it can unlock unprecedented doors to success. By reevaluating how we spend our time, we can break free from the shackles of busyness and rediscover what truly matters.

Marie Forleo’s Gift to You: “3 Toxic Lies That Keep You Overwhelmed, Overstretched, and Underearning”

When you join the Time Genius waitlist, you’ll receive a FREE E-Book from Marie Forleo. In “3 Toxic Lies,” Marie exposes the myths that may be holding you back, empowering you to banish overwhelm and elevate your earning potential.

Your Path to Time Mastery Begins Here

Ready to make 2024 your most epic year yet? Join the Time Genius waitlist, and take the first step towards transforming your relationship with time. It’s time to unlock the secrets of time mastery, embrace abundance, and make 2024 your year of unparalleled success.

Feel exhausted trying to “do it all,” yet it’s never quite enough? On some level you probably believe at least one of these 3 toxic lies. Read it in an hour and watch your entire life change.

Register for the FREE book here and learn how to take back your time to focus on what truly matters.

In the Time Genius movement, time isn’t just a ticking clock; it’s the key to unlocking your full potential.

Let’s make this journey together — because your time is now.

Perhaps you’re looking for a new job, working towards increasing your income, or maybe you want to step back and celebrate everything you’ve accomplished so far (and start that book you always wanted to write). Perhaps you have a blog that you want to turn into a lifestyle brand and your focus for 2024 will be to increase your influence through getting publicity.

Or, perhaps you became a new mom and your cozy party of two is now a party of three, and resolutions to drink less and splurge on a designer handbag might not necessarily ring true anymore.

This year we’re focusing on sharing resolutions for the moms and female entrepreneurs in our community.

I’ve also created a free workbook for my blog readers – The Fempreneur Reset Plan – to help you plan for a successful year ahead! Take a moment to download your free copy now, and let’s connect on Instagram.

New Year Resolutions For New Moms

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Friends and families understand it’s an exciting and challenging new time for you, and won’t expect you to have “everything” together. Instead of bringing baby items, ask if they can help tidy up, bring a meal, or be an extra set of arms so you can take a shower and a nap.

Create small, daily routines. Even if you’re a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of individual, sometimes it helps to make small routines to make your life easier. If you wake up before the baby, take a shower, have some breakfast, and do some stretches before you start the day. Throw in a load of laundry during nap time, or take a nap yourself. Tag team the nightly routine with your significant other so that you can relax a little before bed.

Plan regular date nights. It’s so important to schedule some time alone with your significant other. Hire a babysitter or enlist the help of family and friends, and grab dinner and a movie – away from the house. Remember why you fell in love in the first place!

Find some like-minded mom friends. You won’t believe how much you’ll come to rely on a support network of like-minded women. Try a mom and tot drop-in at your local community centre or a mom and baby fitness class.

Related: Download this self love journal.

Scout those sales like they’re nobody’s business. Let’s face it: baby items are expensive. Sign up for mailing lists from your favorite stores to find out when they’re going on sale. Plan ahead and buy larger sizes while they’re cheap, too.

Nap. If you’re able to, do it. There aren’t many opportunities in life where you can take a mid-afternoon siesta, and maternity leave is as good a time as any. The dishes can wait. Mama, you’ve earned it.

Eat. Once you’ve woken up, make sure you get in a meal. Running after a little one can really take a lot out of you, so it’s important to remember to keep up your nutrition.

Hold your baby. It won’t be long before they’re up and running. You’ll really miss that time when all they want is to be held, so take advantage of it while you can.

Take some time for yourself. Moms are wonder women, there’s no doubt about it. So much of your energy is focused on pleasing this amazing creature who is blossoming before your eyes and learning so much each and every day.

Please remember to take a moment for yourself. Whether it’s a quick mani-pedi, or brunch with the girls, you’ll come home energized and refreshed, ready to play for the rest of the day.

Increase your health and energy. Whether you work in an office all day or find yourself chasing after toddlers at home, you NEED energy if you’re going to be functioning at your absolute best. Day to day life can be full of ups and downs, stressful moments and crazy chaos that will easily take control and have a huge impact on your mood, your productivity and your health.

New Year Resolutions For Families

Get outside. It’s easy to sit in and relax on the weekends, but how about making a resolution to breathe in some fresh air more often? A trip to the playground, a family walk after dinner, or a monthly hike are all easily achievable.

Give back to the community. From volunteering at the local animal shelter or soup kitchen, to donating to other children or families in need, teaching your children about social responsibility goes a long way in enhancing their social, emotional and intellectual development.

Cook together. Families that cook and eat together tend to have healthier eating habits and children who are more interested in trying new flavors. A shared family meal also gives an opportunity to slow down and communicate openly with one another. It’s also been shown that kids who eat with their families are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol or substance dependencies later in life.

We make time for the playground every week.

Grow a garden. As well as cooking together, how about trying to grow your own fruits and vegetables? Kids are more likely to try something they’ve grown themselves, and it’s immensely rewarding to see something that started off as a tiny seed grow into something you can eat!

Related: Guide to Planning the Perfect Family Picnic.

Open a savings account. You may already have one, but here’s a challenge to help you put some money away for a rainy day (or a great end of year trip to the beach!). After the first week of the year, put away a dollar. After week two, put away two dollars. (week three, three dollars and so on) By the end of the year you’ll have saved $1378.00!

Live in the moment. We spend so much time trying to document our lives with pictures and social media. Put the smartphones and cameras away for a while and just learn to really experience the moment as its happening – you can’t get that time back.

Plan a family trip. Whether it’s the long-awaited Disneyland trip, or even an overnight camping trip, resolve to spend a little family time together in a new environment.

Our family trip to London, UK.

Start a new tradition. Family Day and Christmas are great times to think of new traditions for your family. It can be something small, like picking your Christmas tree together, or something as extravagant as an annual ski trip. These are memories your family will cherish for a lifetime.

Unschedule. In this day and age, we’re so used to trying to make the most of our days by scheduling as many activities as possible in a day. Find some time to do nothing – that is, to have an unstructured hour or two to do something together as a family. Play hide and seek, color together, or camp out in the backyard.

New Year Resolutions For A New YOU!

Take off your makeup before bed. We’re all guilty of it. At the end of the day, all you want to do is get in your pajamas and snuggle up in bed. This year we’re resolving to take those few extra minutes to remove our makeup before our head hits the pillow. Not only will our pillowcases be saved from those hard-to-clean makeup smudges, but you’ll also prevent clogged pores and premature aging of the skin.

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Drink more water. Water is one of the easiest ways to improve your health, though it’s something that’s easy to overlook. Staying hydrated is important to rid your body of toxins, energizing your muscles and to prevent dehydration. It also makes your skin look amazing! If you struggle to drink enough in a day, try infusing your water with citrus slices, mint, or fruit.

Join a fitness class. Exercising more is a noble New Year’s Resolution, though one that’s easy to break once we lose motivation come the end of January.

Related: Learn how I found the motivation to run again. 

Going for a run in Pemberton, B.C.

Bring healthy lunches to work. Your body – not your wallet – will be pounds lighter; it just makes sense!

Update your signature style. Trade in your old coat or favorite heels for something refreshing and new. You’ll feel like a new woman! (we might head to the store right now!)

Experiment with a new look. Stuck in the same old hair and makeup routine? Try out a new hairstyle or change up your usual eyeshadow shades (YouTube is a godsend for learning new makeup tricks!).

Schedule some social time. Between work and our families, finding time to spend with friends can sometimes fall to the back burner. A regular social date with friends will do wonders for your well being and happiness (even if you have to host it online).

Eat a proper breakfast. No, coffee is not a meal! Start the day off right with a healthy protein and fruit or veg. It’ll kick start your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day, as well as keep you alert and ready to face the day. Make some protein smoothies the night before if you’re pressed for time in the morning.

Get a bra fitting. Another year, another year older, and some things just aren’t what they used to be! When was the last time you were properly fitted for a bra? Get to a lingerie store and find out what you should be wearing.

Don’t forget to indulge. There’s nothing wrong with a mid-week glass of wine, taking a long soak in the tub with the door locked, or yes, even splurging on that designer bag you’ve been coveting (should your budget allow it!). Happiness is infectious, so let yourself live a little!

Step outside of your comfort zone. Always wanted to try surfing? Or backpacking across Europe? Maybe it’s time for a promotion at work?

Whatever it is, resolve for 2024 to be Your ‘Yes’ Year.

New Year Resolutions For Female Entrepreneurs  

Make more money from home. One of the most common resolutions is to get a raise or get promoted in order to increase your earning potential, and although this is an admirable goal, I encourage you to start a business project you can really take ownership of instead. Write that book you have always wanted, finally do something with your blog or focus on turning your side project into a profitable business.

Read this post to learn how to make more money from home.

Improve work/ life integration. Did you notice that I replaced work/ life ‘balance’ with work/ life ‘integration’? This was not a typo, but rather a new way of looking at work as part of our 2024 new year’s resolutions. In order to be happier with your current job, try fitting your job into your life instead of fitting your life into your job.

An enjoyable night with my husband.

Boost your employability. Learn a new skill. Even better, learn a new skill that you can implement in your current job and help you get that promotion. I’ve wanted to learn how to properly use InDesign for years, but keep putting it off. This year, I’m going to start with free online training modules to slowly get up to speed. What new skill could you learn online? If you are interested in learning more about public relations, sign-up for the Public Relations Academy.

Meet new people. Networking is key to learning about future employment opportunities. Life is too short not to make meaningful connections. Be authentic, follow your passion, cultivate relationships and use social media networking to accelerate your connections. Building a strong support network can open up doors for opportunity and is one of the most influential things you can do for your career success.

Read this article to learn how to make meaningful connections.

Find hidden pockets of time. Are you completely exhausted by the time you finish your work day? Me too! So how do you find hidden pockets of time for those extra money making projects?

How can you possibly write that book you’ve always wanted to start? My plan is to buy a new journal and start making book notes whenever possible.

Get organized. Make a goal to be ‘proactive’ instead of ‘reactive’. Not only will you reduce your daily stress, you will also appear more organized in the workplace and your boss will notice. Buy an agenda for 2023 and use it to organize your appointments and your future to-do lists.

Read this article for tips on scheduling your week. 

Make the world a better place. This world is a big place and it’s easy to wonder how one person can even make a dent in the problems, the unrest, the suffering and the struggles of an entire planet. However, there is no action that is too small to matter. Now more than ever, the world needs more love, compassion and empathy from people who have a strong desire to make a difference. Despite what you may have believed in the past, you don’t need any special gifts, talents or even money to make a big impact on the world around you. In fact, there are plenty of ways you can make an impact without even touching your bank account.

Grow your confidence. Gain inspiration from the backstories of people you admire. We can all use a dose of inspiration nowadays but if you have a celebrity, business person, or author you admire, learn about their lives and how they overcame adversity. This is not to draw comparisons or to make you feel like you should be further ahead in reaching your goals; to the contrary, this is to inspire you that ANYONE can overcome challenges and still come out with confidence and success. Looking at their challenges, maybe you’ll realize that YOUR challenges aren’t nearly as bad as you once thought. For some inspiration, read our Fempreneur interviews.

Read this article for more tips on boosting your confidence and download our media interview confidence tip sheet.

Over the years this blog has become a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, who want to build a memorable brand and create value in everything they do. Get on my mailing list for insider perks.

Can you do me a favor and share this post? We’re here to help people, to inspire women. Reading this post may just help someone take that next big leap! 

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If you’re ready to escape the culture of burnout, and start getting the right things done, with more joy and more fulfillment, I recommend that you join Time Genius. It’s your time to FINALLY accomplish your new year resolutions!

Cheers to an amazing and prosperous year ahead for all of us.

Ways to work together:

  • Media Pitching: Work with our team at Pink Pearl PR to pitch your product to major magazines, influencers, and high-profile publications.
  • Digital Marketing: Work with our team to develop your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, or manage your Google ads. Ask us about our unique PR for SEO strategy for female entrepreneurs!
  • One-On-One: Work with Talia to create your signature offer and get media ready.
  • Coaching and Courses: The Public Relations Academy will help you create your own PR strategy with our guidance.

If you are interested in working on your publicity strategy with my guidance and our guest experts from Canadian and American Women in Public Relations, I encourage you to join the Public Relations Academy.

If you would like to work with me personally to grow your personal brand as a female executive or entrepreneur, you can work with me at Pink Pearl PR. Book a call to see if we’re a good fit.

To kick off 2024, I’m giving away a $1000 gift certificate to the Public Relations Academy! 

Download your FREE workbook – The Fempreneur Reset Plan.

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Join my list for the Time Genius program here.

Register for the FREE E-Book here and learn how to take back your time to focus on what truly matters.


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